Saturday, June 27, 2009


Don't have much time to write but Atlanta was awesome.


Couch surfing on the Big Red at Rebecca's.

Candlelight Vigil for Iran

Travel Around Town, Little 5 points, went shopping and got an awesome blazer and shiny dress and earings.

Interviewed at the consulate where the guy, very unenthused, asked each of us 2 questions and then at the end sarcastically said "Alllright. Evvverybody goes to Korea."

All for now... flight is boarding.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Monica,
    Hello from all of us in Miami. We are so glad that you made it to Korea safely. Sounds like a great trip. We were thinking of you all the way.
    Get some rest, be safe and keep us posted.
    Luv ya,
    Jennifer, Alfredo and Dominick
