Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Good and bad things! Mostly good...

So Monday I found out 2 things. I have one extra class Tuesdays that because of a gap actually makes me stay until 7 instead of 5:15. Also a kindergarten class I used to teach (a really bad one) wasn't on my schedule for whatever reason but I still have to teach Tuesday-Friday. So that's another 4 classes I didn't know I had plus the new one. Hugely, hugely bummed. Especially because it still doesn't put me into overtime due to it being within the 172 teaching hours/month. Yea... wish I had really understood what that meant when I signed the contract but I'll deal.

Basically I'm at school 9:30- 7:00pm M,Tu,W, F and 9:30- 5:30 on Th (though prob more like 6:00pm) and I'm not into overtime! (44 hour work week if I subtract 30 mins for lunch for those not paying attention). But I guess when I do phone teaching its overtime? Though I think I might have to stay later those days too? I'm still not really sure how phone teaching works... Guess I'll figure it out like everything else. All of us work a lot so it def isn't just me so I feel bad complaining. One teacher has 32 overtime hours a month! Oh my! I guess I don't have overtime because I have more breaks than a lot of the teachers but it hardly seems fair that I have to be at school so long and get paid the same as those going home early. Many of the teachers that start at 9:30 are done teaching by 6.

Trying to suck it up though and I figure I can just study Korean or read or go online during my breaks (when my work is done of course) like I'd be doing at home anyhow.

Oh the kicker to the story! That one extra class on Tuesdays that makes my day way longer... has my 2 WORST students. I thought I had escaped them but noooo! Oh dear god. They are the bane of my teaching existence. I walked into the class and they said "Oh why you!" I said it right back to them. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned them before. I'm gunna break them I swear it. If not I'll just send them out of class every day if I have to! It's my mission I guess. A challenge. Get them in line or out of my hair. Hopefully the first. This class is a worse dynamic I think because the last class I had these 2 boys in there were 3 girls that were really good students. Now there is the 2 bad boys, 1 boy how is a good student so far but will talk to the boys in Korean when they talk, and one girl who is painfully shy. I can't see that situation being a good learning environment for her...

So tonight I took a peak... ok a long gander and a nice warm shower since my hot water is off... at my new apartment! I am so totally pleased. It's not nearly as small as I anticipated and really nice. Huge window with a view... also no curtains though! You can just see clear into my place. That's first on the shopping list. The shower actually has a door. Hurrah! A really good AC! I think enough space to do my poi if I don't let myself clutter it up. Huge fridge, lots of closet space. Heater for the winter! A fancy door thingy where I have a camera I can see people out my door on a screen with. Oh and motion sensored entry light! (My entry light has been out so I'm pretty excited about not tripping in the dark)

One of the downsides was no water cooler but my boss said I could take the one from here! Not sure how heavy it is though? Hmm... we'll find out tomorrow. Not even half way done packing but I'm just so excited I had to write this!

It's kind of funny... along with the other fancy things there is a card/code key to unlock the door. Meaning I type in a code or tap a card and there is no hard key! Kind of funny to me with all my moves I've had this running gag about having no house key meaning I'm homeless. I've taken photos of myself with my "Wizard of Oz Ave" key chain (thanks Val!) in various states of keylessness in LA, Philly, and Orlando. Now I will be back to no keys for it again!

Found a scale under my bed while packing. It says I lost 7 pounds. Can't be right! Then again I heard people lose weight in Korea. Hi-Jin said she had a friend that lost 20! I'd be dead if I lost that much. Seesh! I was actually hoping to gain some muscle weight from all the stairs I've been walking! ;)

Can't wait until the move is over and I stop being so confused about my classes (still running to them blind having the kids show me what books they use, what page they left off on, etc).

Then it's time to get back on track with my Korean lessons, being the awesome teacher I want to be, making friends, being fit, eating right, saving money, playing music and travelling!

Also still have to edit my photos from the folk village and write about them!

Good things. So happy. Sooo happy. :D

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