Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Parks: Good. Dentists: Bad

So I went to the dentist today. I have 4 cavaties, which oddly enough are not the same cavaties the last dentist found. Not sure what to make of that but I'll just leave it alone. Unfortunetely the cleaning and cavaties aren't covered by insurance. I have no idea why the cleaning isn't but the cavaties is because I want white fillings. Bummer. But its still cheaper than back home. I did the cleaning today and the cavaties are next week. They aren't that bad though. One is "small" and the other 2 are "medium". Luckily the clinic is literally around the corner from my school on the same floor and the nurse and doctor speak decent English.

Now on with the fun stuff,

Last night I met up with Hee Jin and 3 of her friends in Hyewa. I can't remember their names for the life of me. They were among some of the most difficult to pronounce Korean names I've encountered yet..\ We attempted the Western naming thing again, as I did with the last friend of Hee Jin's I met, "Summer" (Sun-mi). I named 2 with ease and the other guy, I couldn't quite figure out a name suitable. We ended the night vaguely calling him Kutcher after him saying he should be named Ashton Kutcher (he was quite a joker). Ashton didn't fit. lol. The other 2 are Jordan and Amelia. Amelia didn't speak any English but the boys did. All these photos are shot on Amelia's camera which is a Canon nicer than mine and got my gears a turning in the old head about all the camera stuff I want to buy but shouldn't.... We went to the park after having some coffee (well, I had a green tea frap) and climbed up this steep hill and about a billion stairs to this park with a beautiful view. We each drank a Cass (the Bud Light of Korea) and had dried squid as a snack. I wasn't a fan (too sweet) but I found it wonderful all the same that squid would be a beer snack. Ahhh Korea...

Out side the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf with "Jordan"

with.... Kutcher?

Hee Jin, Kutcher, Amelia and Jordan

Of course I got ahold of the camera and had them do my typical ghostly shots.

Grabbed the camera again and changed the settings to get more of the view in!

And no night of playing with a camera can be complete without jumping photos...

Heading back down.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your ghost pictures. Always a delight to see. Hee Jin is very pretty. She's got that serious model look down! :)

    Seeing all these pictures and hearing you talk makes me miss you. If I had the money I would so come and visit you!
