There is a point on the Gangnam main road, where the buses going opposite directions are right next to each other. I sat in the window, looking out, listening to my music on shuffle for a change instead of buried in a book. As bus after bus passed in front of my view I reached one conclusion: No one is happy on a rush hour bus ride. I saw sad faces, tired faces, passed out faces, zoned out faces, a large portion of which were sucked into some gadget or another. Very few books, one woman studying a paper, her lips moving with the words. And one wide-eyed woman doing the same as me, drinking it all up inside. We caught eyes and it was a lightening shock. You pass face after face and even the ones that are looking out avert their eyes. But we caught each other dead. I kept fighting the urge to pick someone to stick my tongue out at. Social rules kept me in check.
I stepped off at my bus stop to see an ad scream at me, "Light Up!" I looked down at the photo beneath it, expecting to see a pack of cigarettes. It was cereal.
Light up. If only all we needed was a box of cereal to do that.
People Are Strange just came on my shuffle. Mmm how apropos.
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