So it's a rare thing for me when a day can start out horribly and turn itself around.
If any of you know about my recent attempt at using a Diva Cup instead of tampons... well I'll spare you the details but needless to say it didn't go so well. I am really doubting the numerous rants and raves about how awesome it is. Totally not awesome. I had a terrible nights sleep because of having to wake up 3 times to deal with the darn thing. Then I think Friday is somehow "be loud early in the morning day" in my building because there was so much banging, and someone playing a keyboard. Usually I feel like the only person in the place because I don't hear a single sound. I kept thinking the banging was someone at my door. Glad I made the decision to ignore it because it wasn't. It was someone doing who knows what in another apartment. So I looked kind of like death this morning from the bad sleep.
Left to go try and buy a cell phone without my language buddy because he wasn't online all last night or this morning. The 1st store was locked... guy inside chatting on his phone, noon. Locked! Ok next closest store. I'm looking at cell phones on display. She asks me for my hand phone. I say no phone (she speaks no English). She tells me, Nowon station! I don't understand why cell phone store lady is telling me no phones there and to go somewhere else when I'm looking right at them. I'm pissed off and leave for work early so I can get help from my boss. News to me he gets in at the same time as me. Going early useless.
So I go to Paris Baguette (more pastries Monica? Why yes of course!) and see the most delicious looking garlic bread ever, and buy this weird rice pastry thing (turns out it has red bean filling which is very popular in pastries here. Its ok...) and an iced coffee to pick me up. Get back to school and WHHHATTT!! The garlic bread has sugar all over it. So dissapointing and confusing. It wasn't that bad but who would have thought someone could ruin garlic bread in such a creative way? Apparently the Korean looove their sugar. Enough to ruin some amazing garlic toast.
But my mood started to perk up just from eating something. Fast forward to the best time of the day. 6:00 snack time. There is always something odd being served. Yesterday was ham and cheese sandwhiches with potato salad on them (come again?). The other day was mini hambugers, another day was some traditional spicy Korean noodles, one day was really good fried rice. Anyhow, so what strolls into the teachers room in a little cart but SALMON SUSHI. Just big old chunks of raw salmon on some wasabi packed rice (for those of you paying attention yesterday, it is EXACTLY the sushi I was wishing for just last night). Wowowowow. It's "The Secret" paying off. :P I am learning. haha. Of course it wasn't that delicious because it was being served in a school but it was a delightful treat nonetheless.
So after that I have my 2 favorite classes, the older kids. And I will continue this via video blog!
small one from after I went to the store:
turns out there actually was a little kimchi in the middle. haha... ah korean food. I'll get used to it yet I think. :)
so the top video my head got cut a bit when I exported the file. Also, since the last video was such an awkward picture of the end, I attemted this time to smile at the end for the thumbnail view which in fact made me look MORE awkward. But sometimes it's the first part and sometimes its the end part in the thumbnail. I don't get it? Oh maybe cus I watched it... lol.
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