Thursday, July 2, 2009

so tired... not much to report

Well today was fine. One kid cut off a long lock of his own hair. That was weird. Last class I had with him he wouldn't stop pretending to be a dog for the first few minutes. Oh boy. He's going to be a handful.

So I have to be at school tomorrow at 9am instead of 1pm because I need to go to immigration, and then I work until at least 8:30 and then possibly dinner for a co-teachers birthday if I'm done can make it after I'm done teaching (she gets out much earlier).

The taxi driver today was probably the grumpiest so far. But whatever.

I had a scare thinking my fan had broke. It wasn't turning but the motor was running. I opened it up and got the blades to turn again. I was just about to die. Remember... no AC, one fan. That would have sucked.

Was told more about the new place. One the plus, the English teachers from the school we merged with all live there so there will be more people around to hang out with. So far I haven't talked to many of them because we are all so busy and also my work desk is not near there's. The teacher's room is kind of long and thin with lines of connected desks on either side... but lucky me my desk is all by itself, and I have a schedule that most of the other teachers don't so its kind of double lonely. Guess I just gotta be more proactive about turning my chair around to chat.

On the bad side though (besides the no balcony I already found out about) is that its apparently way smaller. Which makes me sad. No balcony and smaller. It will be like a little prison. :( Float, adapt, deal, blah, blah blah right?

Bought some snacks for lunch. These potato sticks that were trying to be french fries and these things... "Mother's Fingers" which I thought was really strange until I realized they were basically like lady finger cookies only they taste nothing like the lady fingers I'm used to. They were pretty good though.

My energy is low but the weekend will be here soon. I won't even know what to do with myself... I think mudfest is Saturday. Some teachers were talking about it, apparently all the expats around go ____ I dunno where? And wrestle around in the mud. Sounds like fun but I have no one to go with.

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